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The Giving Garden members agree to spend an average of two hours per month working in the garden on activities outside of their own bed. They also agree to sign up for and complete three harvests and/or deliveries during the year. Some of the volunteer opportunities must be performed on a specific day and others may be performed any day of the week. There is something for everyone! You may sign up for one or more activities each week or a different activity each week/month. Time spent attending educational or social events count towards your average as does participating in all gardener work days and fundraising events like a garage sale. Student volunteers are welcome to help with tasks such as harvesting, picking up & hauling trash, weeding and mulching. When you signup, please list the organization you are using the volunteer hours for such as Sci., NHS, etc. Please bring a copy of your volunteer form with you to be signed by the gardener who is supervising your activities. Students must be supervised at all times and cannot work in the garden alone. Individuals or businesses who would like to volunteer at the garden, please contact us at:

Harvesting (Need 2+ volunteers)

Volunteers needed 8:30-9AM Saturdays to pick and weigh ripe produce and record and communicate pounds donated to designated member.

During the heat of summer and on the last Saturday of each month for AUMC Food Share, harvest starts at 7:30AM

Harvest table 152 Lbs.jpg

Weeding & Trash Removal

Pull weeds in walkways and pick up trash in surrounding area any time during the week. Weeds go in the trash.  If trash can is full, deposit in dumpster next to church.

Garden Entrance Path

Harvest Delivery

Volunteer to transport harvest yield to CCA Food Pantry or Metrocrest on Saturdays. The last Saturday of month, take to Aldersgate UMC for Food Share by 8:30am.



Harvest Delivery

Caring for Community Beds

Weed, feed, and water pergola & native plant beds as needed anytime during the week.
If there are any community Food Share beds, you may also care for them.

Herb Bed.jpg
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